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The Team


Aya Meltzer-Asscher


I'm an associate professor at the Linguistics Deparment and the Sagol School of Neuroscience in Tel Aviv University. I'm a psycholinguist studying sentence processing, and in the past I've also done a lot of research on theoretical linguistics and neurolinguistics. 

Here's my website


Lola Karsenti

Ph.D. Student

My research focuses on lexical information associated with verbs (i.e., thematic frames, verb bias, and argument mapping properties) and investigates when and how, during processing, these information types become accessible and influence parsing.

Einav Fleck.jpg

Einav Fleck 

Ph.D. Student

My research explores a language-processing approach to the textual variants between the Massoretic text and the Great Isaiah Scroll from Qumran. Based on hypotheses and findings relating to reading, immediate sentence recall, writing, and the dynamics of working memory in these processes, I seek to determine which variants may be ascribed to the copying process.

Niki Kosterich

PhD Student

My research interests include uncovering the mechanisms underlying encoding vs. retrieval interference effects in language processing, with the goal of better understanding agreement processes.

Hila Davidovitch

M.A. Student

My main research interests are the interaction between working memory mechanisms and sentence processing, and the functions and behavior of resumptive pronouns. My work examines the processing and comprehension of center embedding sentences, and the different factors (such as agreement and resumption) that affect them.

Naama Gidron

M.A. Student & Lab Manager

My research interest is encoding interference, I am currently focusing on the difference in resistance to interference between filler-gap dependencies and subject-verb dependencies. 

Edward Kishinevsky

M.A. Student 

My research interests lie in working memory mechanisms and their effects on sentence processing. The main focus of my research is on the missing VP illusion, and how it is affected by various factors such as grammatical gender and resumptive pronouns.

Aviv Azar

M.A. Student 

I am interested in how working memory mechanisms function and their effect on sentence processing.

My current research focuses on agreement attraction in Hebrew comprehension. The main goal of my research aims to explore whether and how various factors (such as word order and morphosyntactic features) modulate agreement attraction.

Ella Yakir

M.A. student

I am interested in the cognitive processes that take place when lexical predictions are violated. My research focuses on behaviorally characterizing the suggested process of lexical inhibition and inspecting the link between it and the f-PNP ERP component

Mandy Cartner 

Graduate researcher

I am interested in the organization of grammatical knowledge and its interaction with sentence processing. My main research focuses on bilinguals’ representation and access to language-specific information by examining patterns of intra-sentential code-switching.



Currently a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Massachusetts Amherst


Currently a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Maryland 

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